Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Nazi Regime Was Defined By Its Fascism Policies

The Nazi regime was defined by its fascism policies in Germany that had on huge implications on the country s socio-political and economic settings. The National sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Nazi) evolved from the German Worker s Party. Adolf Hitler was the man behind the establishment of the Nazi party into the German political system as he rose to power in the late 1920s. He was the leader of the Nazi party. The party came to being from the Weimar Republic, which came about after Germany was defeated in the First World War. The defeat of Germany in World War I paved the way for the formation of a democratic nation of Germany with a democratic constitution and federal structure. The Versailles Treaty seemed to oppress Germany†¦show more content†¦Germany as a country was hard hit by the effects of the war with the years to follow seeing the country go through both political and economic instability. Hitler grew up in this era when Germany was facing many sanction s imposed by the Allied Forces through the Versailles Treaty. After serving in the First World War I, he resigned his military career to join the German Worker s Party where he rose through the ranks to be the party leader, and he changed the party s name to the famously known National sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Nazi). Hitler took this as the right platform to get more power in Germany to oppose the influence of the Allied Forces in Germany. He underwent a lot of power struggles as he tried to mobilize popular support for the Nazi party. It was until 1932 when the party gunned a total of 37% of the votes in the election which was largest share of votes in the election. This meant Hitler was a leader of unimaginable power within the Nazi party and Germany and by 1933, he was the chancellor of Germany. After the death of President Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler became Der Fuhrer and he assumed the presidential powers including those of the supreme commander of the armed for ces. This marked the onset fascism and destruction of democracy in Germany. From the mysterious fire in the German Parliament which gave Hitler an excuse to assume all the powers in Germany. In February 1933,

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